Have you ever watched Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt? It follows the story of Kimmy Schmidt's reintroduction to the world as a young adult, after spending her adolescence in an underground bunker. She is, to put it mildly, naive and full of wide-eyed enthusiasm, and the episode titles are wildly enthusiastic about the little things in life, like "Kimmy Goes Outside!," "Kimmy Is Bad at Math!," and "Kimmy Makes Waffles!"
I was thinking about Kimmy this morning when I rushed around the supermarket, trying to get some food shopping done before going to work. I realized that I' need to face life right now with some Kimmy attitude. I can't be having a meltdown in the supermarket just because I'm walking around alone. I need to think of it as "Elizabeth Goes to the Supermarket!" Every time I achieve anything, it's a victory over depression, it's a step forward. I need to remember the message from the show's theme song - I'm alive, dammit. And it's not enough to just be alive; I have to embrace this new life of mine and move forward.