Descended into Hell
Written for Triune God, taught by the incomparable Dr. Michael Dauphinais. September 23, 2020 Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, later Pope...
God and Creation
Written for Principles of Biblical Theology, Dr. Joshua Madden, September 18, 2019 Genesis 1and 2 state God made the world and everything...
Marian Theology
More specifically, the Marian Theology of Hans Urs Von Bathasar, specifically as found in a particular essay of his. I wrote this for a...
Jimmy Carter and Theology of the Body
The class was on a book by Pope John Paul II called Theology of the Body. It was all very interesting, but you don't come to my blog to...
Hans Urs Von Balthasar’s Marian Theology
For Systematic Theology & Eschatology with T. Adam Van Wart, PhD, August 18, 2020 Hans Urs von Balthasar’s work “Mary in the Church’s...
The Gospel of Matthew, the Kingdom of God, and the Church
Written for New Testament, Dr. James Prothro, April 25, 2020 Pope Benedict XVI has called the kingdom of heaven the recurrent theme of...
Deconstructing Galatians
Written for Dr. James Prothro's New Testament Course, April 17, 2020 Introduction - Galatians 1:1 – 2:14: Paul’s letter to the Galatians...
Asking in Prayer
Written for Dr. James Prothro's New Testament Course, March 28, 2020 In Luke 11:5-13, Jesus tells a short parable, illustrating that if a...
The Messianic Identity of Christ in Matthew 1-9
Written for Dr. James Prothro's New Testament Course, March 21, 2020 In Matthew’s opening chapters, we see how Jesus fulfills the Old...
Mary: Theotokos or Christotokos?Elizabeth Ann PotitoTHEO 5525 – Christ and His ChurchDr. John FroulaFebruary 18, 2020
Written for Christ and His Church with Dr. John Froula, February 18, 2020 The Church teaches that Christ is two natures, true and perfect...